Functions of the National Steering Committee |
- Responsible for formulation of policies, programmes and strategies for the effective implementation of the objectives of the EITI.
- Monitor and ensure that key findings/recommendations from annual aggregation exercise are implemented within one year after issuance of the reports;
- To request as may be deemed necessary, from any company in the extractive industry any financial data or otherwise related to the implementation of the EITI.
- In conjunction with the EITI Secretariat , disseminate by way of publication of records, reports or otherwise, any information concerning the revenue of Government and payments made by mining companies as it may consider necessary;
- To promote or undertake any other activity related to its functions and which, in its opinion, is calculated to help achieve its overall objectives.
- Recommend the annual budget of GHEITI and ensure the periodic review of targets set in their annual work programme.
- The Multi-Stakeholder group may constitute such special Committee as it considers fit to deal with different aspects of its responsibilities.
- The Multi-Stakeholder group may engage the services of such staff and consultants as it may consider necessary to achieve the overall objectives of GHEITI.
- The staff and consultants of GHEITI may be engaged on such terms and condition as the Multi-Stakeholder group may determine.
- The Multi-Stakeholder group shall recommend to the Deputy Minister of Finance for appointment, qualified validator in line with prior determined ToRs.
- Ensure due process and transparency in the payments made by all extractive industry companies to the Government of Ghana and statutory recipient
- To monitor and ensure accountability in the revenue receipts of the Government of Ghana from extractive industry companies
- To eliminate all forms of corrupt practices in the determination, payments, receipts, and posting of revenue accruing to the Government of Ghana from extractive industry companies.
- Ensure conformity with the principles of the global initiative
- Develop a reporting template in consultation with all critical stakeholders for capturing in a transparent and accountable manner all extractive industry companies revenues due to or paid to the GoG
- Evaluate without prejudice to any relevant contractual and sovereign obligations the practices of all extractive industry companies and government respectively regarding acquisition of acreages, budgeting, contracting, materials procurement and production cost profile in order to ensure due process transparency and accountability.
- Ensure transparency and accountability in the management of the investment of the GoG in all extractive industry companies.
- Obtain as may be deem necessary from any extractive industry company an accurate record of the cost of production and volume of sale of oil, gas and other minerals extracted by the company at any period provided that such information shall not be used in any manner prejudicial to the contractual obligation or proprietary interest of the extractive industry company.
- Request from any company in the extractive industry or from any relevant organ of the Government the accurate amount of money paid by and received from the company at any period as revenue accruing to the GoG from such company for that period, provided that such information such not be used in a manner prejudicial to contractual obligations or proprietary interest of the extractive industry company or sovereign obligation of Government.