EITI Implementation Structure in Ghana |
The National Steering Committee is subdivided into two committees in charge of technical issues relating to mining and sensitization. The Minerals Commission, the Ministry of Mines and the Chamber of Mines constitute the technical advisory sub-committee.
The Ministry of Finance (MOF), Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the Civil Society Organization represented by Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) constitute the sensitization subcommittee. Reporting templates were developed by the Steering Committee to be used for data collection and reconciliation.
It must be mentioned that the most distinctive feature of the composition of the National Steering Committee of the EITI is the inclusion of the representatives of the District Assembly and the Civil Society as members. By this singular action the Committee envisioned the strategic role of District Assemblies and the Civil Society groups as interlocutors of EITI policy on transparency at the grassroots level.
The membership of these two groups in the Steering Committee of the EITI gives them the opportunity to participate in the day-to-day decision making rather than merely being consulted, or worst still, as passive onlookers
