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27. Composition of GHEITI Standing sub-Committees
To achieve specialisation and efficient division of labor the GHEITI standing sub-committees may be used to implement various aspects of the programme as shown below:
- Communication /Sensitisation Sub-Committee
- Ministry of Finance
- Office of Administrator of Stool Lands
- Civil Society Organizations
- Ministry of Petroluem/Ghana National Petroleum Company (GNPC)
- Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources
- GHEITI Technical sub-committee in charge of mining
- Minerals Commission
- Ministry of Lands and Natural Resource
- Chamber of Mines
- Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA)
- Ministry of Finance
- CSO Rep
- GHEITI Technical sub-committee in charge of Oil/Gas
- Ministry of Petroluem
- Rep of the Oil/Gas Companies
- CSO Rep
- Ministry of Finance
IV Procurement
- Ministry of Finance
- Office of Administrator of Stool Lands
- Rep. CSOs
- Ministry of Petroleum
- Ghana National Petroleum Company (GNPC)
- Minerals Commission
Communication /Sensitization Sub-Committee
The primary duties and responsibilities of this sub-committee are to:
- Advise the MSG on communication matters
- facilitate inter-actions between the committee and stake-holders
- supervise the implementation of all GHEITI communication activities
- Ensure and facilitate the dissemination of the Ghana EITI Reports
- formulate policies to project, maintain and protect the image and influence of the committee
- determine appropriate tools to communicate effectively
- handle media relations
- Technical sub-committee on Mining
The sub-committee on mining shall:
- advise on all technical matters specific to mining.
- Facilitate interface between the mining sector and the MSG
- assist the Secretariat in following up on recommendations pertaining to mining in the Ghana EITI report.
Technical sub-committee on oil and gas
- advise on all technical issues specific to oil and gas.
- Facilitate interface between the mining sector and the MSG
- Support the implementation of GHEITI’s activities on the oil and gas
- assist the Secretariat in following up on recommendations pertaining to oil and gas in the Ghana EITI report
- Procurement Sub-Committee
The sub-committee on Procurement shall:
- Handle all procurement matters especially the recruitment of the Independent Administrator (IA) in consultation with the Secretariat as determined by the committee from time to time
28. Reports The GHEITI shall publish, in addition to reconciliation reports and reports on sensitisation and dissemination workshops, an annual activity report no later than 1st July of every year.
29. Budgets and work plans The MSG shall prepare budget and work plans for each financial year at least one month before the commencement of the following year.
30. Financial Management
The GHEITI shall adopt a system of sound financial management policies in conformity with financial regulations of the Government of Ghana and generally accepted international accounting principles to ensure prudent and efficient management of funds.
The GHEITI shall cause to be kept proper books and records of accounts for funds and resources received and expenditure incurred or made. The GHEITI shall be subject to audit by the Auditor General.
31. Engagement of Consultants/Experts
- The committee may, for the efficient and effective execution of its mandate, engage consultants with proven knowledge and expertise in the matter before the Committee to submit proposals for consideration by the Committee.
- The consultant shall be paid such fees as negotiated between him and the Procurement sub-committee and approved by the Committee at its meeting.
- A member of the committee who has the expertise in any matter to be performed by the committee may offer himself or herself for the assignment after discussion and approval of the proposal by the Committee.
- The member may be paid such fees and remuneration as may be negotiated between him and the Procurement sub-committee and approved by the committee at its meeting.
32. Capacity Development of the MSG
It shall be beneficial to the MSG when members have basic knowledge of areas other than their field of expertise, as it would contribute to the arrival of good decisions.
For this reason, and as part of continuing capacity development, all members shall be required to attend seminars and conferences as are appropriate to enhance their value adding functions.
The annual work plan of the Committee shall make specific provisions for the training of members.
- These Rules and Procedures may be amended by the Committee at a meeting called for that specific purpose only.
- Due notice will be given to members for such meeting.
- Members shall be given advance notice of proposed changes with reference to specific Rules that need to be amended.
- The motion for the approval of the amendments shall be by a two-thirds majority of members.